Creating The Business Of Your Dreams
Giving Up and Giving Into Structure
For Women Ready To Elevate Their Business & Their Brand!
Hey there Solopreneur!
Let me share a story!
If you are a wing-it kind of a girl, I can relate!
I always fought against structure and conformity. I think it’s because I never felt like I fit into society’s idea of what I was ‘supposed to think’ and how I was supposed to learn. Structure for me was suffocating.
Doing It My Way
When I started my business I was excited about being in complete control of my ideas, thoughts, creativity… my time and how I was going to run my business. So I did things ‘my’ way.
Learning Curves
Here I am, 12+ years in and for a variety of reasons I had plenty of struggles the first few years. Learning curves, my Mum’s dementia and me being her caregiver then moving her into a LTC home then as POA having to deal with her living estate. Then my sister’s illness… and splitting with my husband. Life stuff.
There was the business stuff, of course. Who do you want to ‘be’? What do you want to do? How do you want to do it? How do you start? Who do I want to work with? How do you find clients…? One million and one questions, right?
As my business, and I evolved, it eventually became easier for me to find the systems I needed to run my business. I knew who I wanted to serve and how (my niches), that was easy for me.
What I struggled with was explaining how I could help my clients, especially as what I do is rather bespoke.
The best thing I ever did was create some structure around what I do. Because I did it my way, it ended up helping me and instead of suffocating, it created a lot of freedom, and isn’t that the reason most of us become self-employed?
Now it is much easier for me to talk about what I do and how I can help my clients! *Hint, for me this was creating pillars (more on that in the next blog).
As a business and brand coach and mentor for women who are struggling to create their own dream business, I get the greatest joy in helping them with the same struggles I faced years ago.
· Who do you want to BE in your business?
· What services do you think you want to offer?
· Who do you want to serve?
· What will your brand feel, look and sound like?
· How will you go about setting up your business?
· What minimum systems should you have in place?
· Etc…
Each one of us is unique. Most industries are not.
How do YOU stand out in your chosen industry? The answer can be simple and extremely complex. There is absolutely no cookie-cutter answer, no one-size fits all template you can use.
What you will likely find is a lot of walls with remnants of all the spaghetti thrown against them, trying to find what works… what sticks!
Sorting it all out will make All the Difference!
If any of these challenges feels familiar, then please feel free to send me a message (Click Here) or book a 15 minute discovery call (Click Here).
💫 I love working with women who have the dream and the desire and know they are meant to do more with their lives ✨
With love, light, and endless possibilities 💛 🔆

Let me know if you are interested in chatting. We can schedule time to connect via Zoom, WhatsApp or Voxer.